And so are you.
Seriously, if you are reading this blog, I highly doubt that you are the 1% (roughly 15,000 people) who have been manipulating the tax code and hoarding all the wealth.
In answer to the many mainstream media stories regarding OWS, let's be clear, there are 100 Senators, One President and 435 people seated in the House of Representatives who are paid the "big bucks" for creating policy.
The job of Occupy Wall Street is to serve official notice to these policy makers that we have figured out that we have been scammed by them for years and won't take it anymore! It's not enough to simply "believe" in the possibility of upward mobility, it must be an actual possibility.
We demand policies that benefit the 99% of the population that has seen wages stagnate since the 70's and unemployment rise to 9% (16% for men of color) while the 1% has reaped the riches of their political machinations. It's up to our elected officials to craft those policies, and to take on that burden would be beyond the scope of OWS therefore illogical for the mainstream media to find fault in OWS because they have no policies crafted. It's absurd even, but definitely meant to discredit a movement that has grown worldwide.
The media also attempts to obfuscate the very clear message of OWS: The 99% is sick and tired of the 1% breaking laws and creating policy to stack the deck for their personal wealth. Regardless of the mainstream media that is controlled by the 1%, the message is spreading and people hearing it understand and last weekend those people took to the streets to occupy their country!
According to the polls this message is heard loud and clear with widespread support for tax parity and reform. The only people who don't seem to get it are the Eric Cantors, John Boehner's and Scott Walker's of the world. Controlled by powerful moneyed entities such as the Koch Brothers, these politicians have been bought and paid for by the 1% and are active in class warfare. Not the class warfare they complain about, but the real class war that they have waged against the lower and middle classes in order to assist their true constituents in wealth gathering.
So my friends, all of us, we are ALL the 99%.
Our screams against the self-evident plutocracy await a response from our elected officials.
Corporations may be "people" but they still can't vote.
Only by being active and voting will we be able to hold our elected officials accountable.
If you can't occupy in your city, drop some food and water off to those who are bravely taking up the fight for us all. Do it today because our scream doesn't and shouldn't tell the government what policies to enact, it simply insists that after 40 years it be heard!
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